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Jürg Rohrer

What is thermosolar power or concentrating solar power (CSP)?

What is thermosolar power, or "desert energy"?
Thermosolar energy means generating electricity from the heat of the
sun, and not, as photovoltaic panels do, from sunlight. Since a large
quantity of solar heat is required, evidently this must be done in the
desert. A short introduction in this promising technology to produce electricity from a renewable source:

Nuclear Proliferation in a nutshell

Nuclear proliferation is used to describe the spread of fissile material, weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information, to nations which are not (yet) in posession of nuclear weapons. It is feared that the likelyhood of a nuclear warfare does increase with the number of nations with nuclear weapons.

Nuclear proliferation is related to the civil application of nuclear power in the following ways:

Nuclear Power phase-out is progressing

Nuclear energy is a relatively small industry, but one with big
problems. It covers just one-sixteenth of the world’s primary energy
consumption, a share set to decline over the coming decades.

average age of operating commercial nuclear reactors is 23 years.
This means that more power stations are being shut down than built.
In 2007, world nuclear production fell by 1.8 % and the number of
operating reactors was 439, five less than the historical peak of 2002.

Who is building new nuclear power plants?

There has been a lot of talking about the renaissance of nuclear power
in the light of global warming and increasing oil prices. So let’s have
a look at the global situation: Who is building new nuclear power
stations and who is just talking about?

Eat less meat: CO2 emission of our food

The carbon dioxide emissions (carbon footprint) caused by our personal behavior is driven to a large extent by the type and quality of our nourishment. The amount of greenhouse gases caused by the production of food is different from one food type to the other (see table below). Worst is meat and in particular beef.

A environmental friendly and climate change friendly nourishment is characterised as follows:   

Are cows the cause of global warming?

A cow does on overage release between 70 and 120 kg of Methane per year. Methane is a greenhouse gas like carbon dioxide (CO2). But the negative effect on the climate of Methane is 23 times higher than the effect of CO2. Therefore the release of about 100 kg Methane per year for each cow is equivalent to about 2’300 kg CO2 per year.

Weblog from Greenpeace about the meltdown of the nuclear industry

Greenpeace has announced a new weblog about the downsides of the nuclear industry.The blog is called "Nuclear Reaction" – blogging the meltdown of the nuclear industry".

The About-Section says:

"Welcome to Nuclear Reaction, where we’ll be recording for history the meltdown of that most over-rated, over-subsidised and over-confident of industries, the nuclear industry.

Olkiluoto: Finlands new nuclear power plant

Finland’s Olkiluoto nuclear power plant: The Olkiluoto construction project in Finland is rapidly becoming an example of all that can go wrong in economic terms with nuclear new build. It demonstrates the key problems of construction delays, cost overruns and hidden subsidies.

CO2 emission of electricity from nuclear power stations

How much CO2 is produced by atomic energy?

One of the few pros of nuclear power is the relatively low emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the major causes of global warming. For this reason, it has been proposed as "the" method to mitigate the effects of climate change. However a recent life cycle analysis showed that nuclear power produces 4 to 10 times higher CO2 emissions per kWh electricity than renewable energies.

Cost of electricity from new nuclear power stations

Current discussions about possibilities to mitigate the effects of global warming have also opened discussions about a potential revival of nuclear power. In this context, it is often argued with very low cost of electricity from nuclear power plants. This seems to be one of the strongest arguments in favor of atomic energy. To determine the future cost of electricity from nuclear power, the cost from currently operating power stations is taken into account. This is not correct, however.