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Manipulation of other people

In one of the previous sections we discussed the mutual activation of tuning bowls. During this discussion we saw that the tuning bowls corresponding with our objectives vibrate and hence radiate energy at the corresponding frequency. In the case of other people who have a similar tuning bowl, this can lead to activation of this tuning bowl. Possibly because of this the other person thereby selects the corresponding objective as the guideline for his next decisions. This in turn poses the question as to whether individual people cannot be consciously manipulated by this means.

Could for example someone with a high awareness help other people unnoticed to select the basic rights of existence as their guideline for decisionmaking? Would it not be possible in this way to improve the whole world?

The answer is a very clear NO. Because in doing this the person with the high awareness would be violating the basic rights of existence! It must again be particularly emphasized here that every being on the earth is given the right according to the basic rights of existence to pursue those goals, which he wants. When translated into the model with the tuning bowls this means that everyone can have those tuning bowls within him, which he himself wants, and he can cause them to vibrate. He must naturally however also bear the consequences. If we want to help someone unnoticed to achieve his own happiness then we violate the basic rights of existence, we undermine our own foundation! In doing this we damage both ourselves as well as our surroundings.

In the past many wars have been waged to force other people to change their ideology or their economic system to those of the aggressor or to force them to convert to a certain religion. Such aggressors were so strongly convinced of their own thinking that they saw themselves as being the only correct ones and wanted to force everyone else into this way. For this purpose even killing was legitimized or was declared to be valid by many religions. Unfortunately very little has changed in the present day in this area. Most wars are still carried out even today to «save» other people or to «develop» them – or to put it more clearly – to force them into a certain way of thinking or to «solve» a problem from the outside.

Help can only be of assistance if it is offered with the full agreement of the person concerned. «Help» without the consent of the affected person is nothing other than mani­pulation and violates the basic rights of existence in a flagrant way. This is by the way true not just for people but also in general for all beings1.

We have referred above to war as a negative example. We don’t however have to look so far away from ourselves at all: Manipula­tion often happens in the closest family circles. A huge number of interpersonal problems arise because someone «meant well» and did this or that for someone without being asked. In doing this the person undoubtedly wanted to do good and we don’t want to deny this. For example parents of grown-up children try to procure better jobs for their children, or to correctly bring up their grandchildren by «making arrangements behind the scenes», or perhaps someone thinks that their partner is too fat and gives them a weight reducing diet etc.

For many people it is difficult to understand why a well-intentioned act can violate the basic rights of existence. In the chapter on subjectivity we have already seen that good and bad are purely subjective perceptions by an individual person. In this respect it will surely be clear that the basic rights of existence can be violated or retained with both good as well as badly-intended decisions. And a violation is and remains a violation. The reason for the violation is for the time being completely unimportant.

Every being has the right to do or not do what he wants. This even includes the right to live what appears in our eyes to be an unhappy life – every being can choose for himself!

The final consequence of this is that even the unasked giving of presents to another person is a violation of the basic rights of existence. In the handing over of a surprise present it would therefore be correct to ask: «I would like to give you some pleasure. May I give you this gift?» Then the person receiving the gift can decide whether he will accept the gift or not.

1 As the name already suggests, gene manipulation, or – expressed more accurately – the creation of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) is also an example of this.

ΞBook ABC of awareness | decision | interactions | objectives of life | personal growth | self-determination