If we assume that we wish to pursue several incompatible objectives, how do we decide in a given situation which of the objectives should guide us? We have already discussed the interaction between objectives and abilities earlier. Thereby we saw that abilities which already existed can influence the choice of guideline when making a decision.
As we will soon see, we often also make the choice of which objective we will use as a guideline in making a decision in interaction with our surroundings. Other people, institutions, animals, plants, nature etc. can all have an influence on the selection of our goal in making a decision.
In the tuning bowl model we assigned a certain sound or frequency to each incompatible objective. Compatible partial objectives each receive the same sound1. The more similar the goals are the more similar the assigned sounds. In reverse the sounds are that much more different the lower the compatibility between the goals.
With this model we can now discuss the mutual influences in the choice of the current objective. We assume again that in making a decision we use that objective as a guideline which at this point in time vibrates the most intensively.
If there is a vibrating tuning bowl in our surroundings, i.e. if there is another being in our vicinity who is pursuing a particular objective, then our tuning bowl with the same sound – insofar as we have such a tuning bowl – will be excited into vibrating. We become aware of this objective due to these vibrations. In a manner of speaking it sends signals to us and calls to us: «Here am I, I am the most important objective, please use me as your guideline in making decisions in the present situation». In this way the chances increase enormously that we will in fact really do this: Just like a chameleon we adapt to our surroundings! Whether in the final analysis we really do select this objective as our guideline still depends however on several factors:
If another objective is already vibrating more intensively within us than the tuning bowl, which has been excited from outside, then the objective which already vibrates within us, will drown out the externally-excited tuning bowl. We will not therefore change our guideline.
If we don’t have a tuning bowl with the corresponding frequency, then this frequency cannot excite any vibrations within us. Only those objectives can be activated which already exist within us.
The intensity of the vibrations which affect us can be of different sizes according to the source of these vibrations. On the other hand our tuning bowls also differ in their vibrating ability.
We assume that in making a decision we use that objective as a guideline which at this point in time vibrates the most intensively. We normally do not perceive for ourselves whether these vibrations or the tuning bowl have been excited by external forces or by us personally. The vibrations we have referred to here can change very quickly. We are therefore basically able within fractions of a second to make decisions based on completely different goals. This fickleness in our decisionmaking is naturally something which we would not want to happen too often, so we will therefore look at how we can prevent this from happening in the next section.
We have already discussed earlier the mutual influencing of objectives and abilities. In this we established with our models that the light sphere too can transmit vibrational energy to the corresponding tuning bowl. The intensity with which a tuning bowl vibrates within us therefore essentially depends on the following factors:
On the priority which we ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, are presently assigning to this objective.
On the amount of energy which we have available within us for the realization of our objectives.
On the size of the corresponding light sphere, that is on the abilities we already possess for the achievement of this objective.
On the intensity of the vibrations at this frequency which prevail around us. Such vibrations are created by other beings with the same objective.
Having now established this let us consider how we human beings mutually influence each other: We can imagine a group of people in which all of them are pursuing several objectives, amongst which is the goal of «maximizing personal financial wealth». If this objective is particularly strongly pursued by one person in this group, this person will also radiate the corresponding frequency very intensively. Because of this the corresponding tuning bowls of the other people will be activated; their tuning bowls with the goal of «maximizing personal financial wealth» will also start to vibrate.
As we have already indicated many times, we are predisposed to selecting that objective as the guideline for making a decision which vibrates the most intensively. If – due to the external excitation of the objective of «maximizing personal financial wealth» – we now select this objective as a guideline for making our decisions, we have allowed ourselves to be influenced from the outside. All the people involved cannot normally perceive this activation directly, but only indirectly via the subconscious. The activation of a certain objective amongst the other group members is also not usually a conscious act by the person doing it. In retrospect perhaps individual people from the group will be astonished at their actually fairly untypical behaviour in the group.
With the complete illumination of only partially illuminated areas by spheres of the same colour as described earlier, the members of the group will have available additional abilities to achieve the objective of «maximizing personal financial wealth». Because of this the individual people will normally feel «confirmed» in their selection of their guideline.
How can we protect ourselves from such external influences? This is very easy – at least it is in theory: Using the mechanism discussed here only those of our goals which already exist within us can be activated. In this way no new objectives will be forced upon us, but rather just one or the other of our own goals will be placed in the forefront. In other words: If we don’t have a tuning bowl of the corresponding frequency, then no tuning bowl can also be activated within us! The example given above with the tuning bowls only functions if the two tuning bowls have the same sound. Activation of a tuning bowl is only possible in the frequency of this tuning bowl.
The importance of this fact cannot be emphasized enough: The clearer the goals I set for myself the lower the chances of being influenced by outside forces. If I pursue several incompatible goals then it is at best the priority within these different goals which may be changed by external influences.
If for example I would like to reserve 98% of my energy for my development with respect to the basic rights of existence and the remaining 2% to be on the safe side for 10 other secondary