This book explains human development on the basis of easily-understood examples and simple models. It is intended to arouse thinking about your own life and to offer help as to how we can specifically change our lives. The author describes how we can achieve constant harmony and inner peace. The right choice and deliberate pursuing of our own, self-selected goals take on a key role in this so that we can achieve our own goals and not let ourselves be manipulated by others.
The soul designates the immortal essence of a being. The soul is the seat of the personality and true character of a person.
Most of the large religions accept the soul as the most important and ethereal substance of a human being. However, there are – depending on the respective religion – different concepts about what happens to the soul after the death of a person.
We generally define personality as the individual characteristics of a person that determine his or her perception, motivation and behaviour. Sometimes this is also called the character of a person.
As multifaceted as we human beings may be, once our existential needs are covered, we all finally strive for the same thing: We want to be perpetually happy and satisfied and we want to be able to live our lives without worries and cares. This search for harmony and inner peace, for self-realization, or however we like to describe this state, as our top objective in life, is practically the same in all the different methods of representing human needs. Not least the advertising industry also frequently attempts to make use of this striving for happiness and harmony.
From our experience we know that wherever we are or whatever we do certain rules prevail. On the roads these are the traffic regulations, in football the rules of play, in nature there are the natural laws. For those that respect these rules the corresponding activities or deeds are easier to accomplish than for those who violate these rules and therefore have to be reprimanded in one way or another.
The term «personal development» normally comprises a very wide field: Physical and psychical development from childhood to a grown up person, knowledge-oriented education, training of abilities, collecting experience as well as developing personality and character of a human being.
Personal growth for a higher consciousness
On, we primarily focus on the personal growth for a higher consciousness, i.e. the development of personality as well as the consciousness of a person . This is sometimes referred to as inducing consciousness or developing awareness. Since we could not find a precise English expression for this, we call this process simply «personal development». Of course, we could have called it (personal) spiritual growth or spiritual development instead.
There is no official and exact definition of spiritual growth. We – and many others – use personal spiritual growth as synonyms for other terms like e.g. personal spiritual development, to develop higher awareness or to develop higher consciousness.
With our understanding of spirituality , one can also define personal spiritual growth as way to integrate spirituality to a higher and higher degree in our daily live.
Does it do any good for Africans suffering from drought if I reduce my personal water consumption? Why should I reduce the CO2 emissions and save energy? Does it reduce starvation anywhere in the world if I eat less?
Living in moderation is «out» because it seems to be full of deprivations and limitations. Read here why it is on the contrary rather full of opportunities for the personal development. It is an indispensable precondition to get in perpetual harmony, joy and (self-)confidence.
What drives us as human beings?
Why do we exist?
What is the purpose of life?
What do we strive for?
«Time for change» is about your life, your objectives and your decisions. We are convinced that basic human needs are the same everywhere and finally we all strive for the same thing:
We want to be happy and satisfied and we want to be able to live our lives without worries and cares.
This search for harmony and inner peace, for self-fulfilment, self-realization, peace of mind, for calmness or however we may wish to describe this condition of our personality, is indisputably the top goal in the case of virtually all models of human needs.
Have you already reached this goal of life? Or do you still have weaknesses which can disconcert you?
Are you actively and consciously working towards happiness, joy and perpetual harmony?
Have you clearly set out your objectives for living?
If not – this might just be the right time for change! This site offers thoughts and advice about personal growth, spiritual development and about the meaning of life. It’s also about ethically correct behaviour in the centre of daily life. «Time for change» is meant as a platform for sharing ideas and elucidations.
Get active! If we change ourselves, the world will change, too. But we must begin now, the sooner the better. It is time for change!
What does personal growth have to do with the meaning of life? – An overview
With this website and with our range of lectures and consultation activities we would like to impart information about life’s most important interrelationship. In particular how we ourselves can set and achieve sensible objectives for our lives.
In addition we offer techniques and help with which personal growth towards harmony and inner peace can be consciously controlled and efficiently arranged. Our greatest interest is the integration and the concrete application of these thoughts to our everyday lives, both our working and our private lives.
There are more and more temptations for substitute dealings, which for a brief moment in time give us the illusion that we have reached the above mentioned objectives. Personality development and spiritual growth to reach a higher consciousness are however inevitable if inner peace and happiness are to become a lasting experience. We ourselves with the help of our subconscious are our best teachers and our environment both in private and business life are our best trainers.
One of the most important keys to personal growth is to realize that we can and must set the goals for our life ourselves instead of letting others (e.g. advertisement, family, media, „friends”) decide upon our goals (self-determination).
We are personally responsible for all our decisions, for whatever we do or do not do because from self-determination follows self-responsibility. Only through our deeds can we develop a higher consciousness over time and thus reach the above mentioned goals of perpetual harmony and inner peace.
In order to exercise responsibility, we also express our view on current issues of politics and society e.g. cause, effects and potential solutions for global warming, phase-out of nuclear power, the need to increase energy efficiency and more.
We ourselves together with the information presented here are independent of any religions, associations, sects, political and economic organizations or similar.