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spiritual information, spiritual world, spirituality – information and hints

Global warming – it’s about you

Global warming causes: CO2 concentration

Global warming is a typical global phenomena, where the causer of the emission does not automatically suffer from it himself. Cause and effect are separated both in time as well as with regard to geography.

In the past, there was a more or less direct relation between the energy consumption (mainly fossil fuels) and the welfare of a country.

This makes it very difficult to reach consensus between the countries about the required steps to solve the problem. The Kyoto protocol shows that the following of the agreement will be doubtful at best if no automatic sanctions take into effect for countries violating it.

Given the severe consequences of global warming, the above sounds quite hopeless for our future. Read on to see how we all are involved in this and how we can benefit from taking our personal responsibility.

Children develop their parents

Often we reduce the role of children to reproduce the society, to keep the number of people at the desired level. Children need to learn our language, understand our behaviour, culture and rules, etc.

Who could transfer this knowledge better than professionals, people educated to teach exactly this? – If you look at it from this point of view, it would be most economical to give your children away for education after birth as soon as possible.

There is of course another point of view: What is the most important role of children?

Nuclear power for you – nuclear waste for the others?

The need for electricity has constantly risen world-wide over the last years. This is not only true for the so-called developing countries but also and in particular for all well-developed countries. In order to fulfil the demand, obviously additional power plants have to be built.

Which technology is best for generating electricity? This question certainly has to be answered on a case by case base. But it is very concerning that nuclear power plants more and more seem to be chosen as "the" technology of the future.

The more the better?

The more the better? or from maximation to optimisation

During the past years we have got used to increase our materialistic wealth in an impetuous speed. Lika a mighty fly-wheel the economical development took its course. You only had to take your seat and automatically got carried away. No wonder that questions about meaning and purpose of this development were ignored. Now as this fly-wheel turns slower and some people even prophesy its stop or backward turn, it's possible again to pose questions.

It's not long ago – our grandparents have still experienced this time – when every additional Dollar or Euro in the purse lead to a growth in life quality. In other words: Not long ago, more materialistic possession automatically ment an improvement in the life situation. Most of us have taken over this "the-more-the-better-principle" without thinking reflecting and follow it as a sheer habit. This is the only explanation, why even wealthy nations fall into a depressive mood, when the personal incomes suddenly don't rise any more or when the industrial turnovers and profits stagnate. We must find out for ourselves, if we could live a fortunate life with todays income respectively if we would need more materialistic wealth for that purpose. This question we should ask ourselves however, since from a certain level on, more materialistic wealth doesn't automatically mean more satisfaction and joy. Some time or other we will have enough to eat, enough clothing, an enough large home, enough jewelery, enough mobility etc.

Glacier in Engadin / Switzerland
  • What drives us as human beings?
  • Why do we exist?
  • What is the purpose of life?
  • What do we strive for?

«Time for change» is about your life, your objectives and your decisions. We are convinced that basic human needs are the same everywhere and finally we all strive for the same thing:

We want to be happy and satisfied and
we want to be able to live our lives
without worries and cares.

This search for harmony and inner peace, for self-fulfilment, self-realization, peace of mind, for calmness or however we may wish to describe this condition of our personality, is indisputably the top goal in the case of virtually all models of human needs.

  • Have you already reached this goal of life? Or do you still have weaknesses which can disconcert you?
  • Are you actively and consciously working towards happiness, joy and perpetual harmony?
  • Have you clearly set out your objectives for living?

If not – this might just be the right time for change! This site offers thoughts and advice about personal growth, spiritual development and about the meaning of life. It’s also about ethically correct behaviour in the centre of daily life. «Time for change» is meant as a platform for sharing ideas and elucidations.

As a starting point, you might want to read some chapters of the book «ABC of awareness – personal development as the meaning of life» or download the pdf-file. We encourage you to generally to make your own critical thoughts about the information presented here.

Get active! If we change ourselves, the world will change, too. But we must begin now, the sooner the better. It is time for change!

What does personal growth have to do with the meaning of life? – An overview

With this website and with our range of lectures and consultation activities we would like to impart information about life’s most important interrelationship. In particular how we ourselves can set and achieve sensible objectives for our lives.

In addition we offer techniques and help with which personal growth towards harmony and inner peace can be consciously controlled and efficiently arranged. Our greatest interest is the integration and the concrete application of these thoughts to our everyday lives, both our working and our private lives.

There are more and more temptations for substitute dealings, which for a brief moment in time give us the illusion that we have reached the above mentioned objectives. Personality development and spiritual growth to reach a higher consciousness are however inevitable if inner peace and happiness are to become a lasting experience. We ourselves with the help of our subconscious are our best teachers and our environment both in private and business life are our best trainers.

One of the most important keys to personal growth is to realize that we can and must set the goals for our life ourselves instead of letting others (e.g. advertisement, family, media, „friends”) decide upon our goals (self-determination).

We are personally responsible for all our decisions, for whatever we do or do not do because from self-determination follows self-responsibility. Only through our deeds can we develop a higher consciousness over time and thus reach the above mentioned goals of perpetual harmony and inner peace.

In order to exercise responsibility, we also express our view on current issues of politics and society e.g. cause, effects and potential solutions for global warming, phase-out of nuclear power, the need to increase energy efficiency and more.

We ourselves together with the information presented here are independent of any religions, associations, sects, political and economic organizations or similar.

Personal growth is the meaning of life

Missing or incorrect success monitoring

  In a separate chapter we have already referred to the need for the regular monitoring of our progress towards successfully achieving our objectives. Since the lack of this monitoring of our progress or the unsuitability of the decisionmaking criteria are frequently the stumbling blocks to living the basic rights of existence we would like to briefly come back to this point.

It is frequently insufficient to simply take the basic rights of existence as the objective for life. As a rule it is necessary – or at least it is very useful – to consider at the same time how we will assess our personal progress towards living the basic rights of existence. It is especially important to be clear that in letting go of the old objectives it is also important to let go of their assessment criteria.

Words are simpler than deeds

  As logical and plausible as development with respect to the basic rights of existence may appear to be, its translation into the practicality of everyday life is not that easy. It is in fact a very serious and demanding undertaking, which demands considerable energy and cannot simply be achieved «on the side».

It is not that difficult to see as an observer what we or others should actually do in order to live the basic rights of existence in a given situation. However it is exactly what we really should do which is generally the main difficulty. The difficulty doesn’t lie in the theory or in the strategy but in carrying it out in practice.

Denial of reincarnation

  Much false information has been spread around with respect to every aspect of the rebirth of human beings1. Whilst many people and institutions don’t want to know anything about it, others inter­pret illnesses and accidents incorrectly as «God’s punishment». This finally leads to a feeling of powerlessness, to a feeling that we ourselves cannot change anything or influence anything, in other words to exactly the opposite of self-determination and self-responsibility. Such people – or to put it better such victims – allow themselves to be influenced or even manipulated much more easily.

Those who realize that they will return to this earth at a later stage are much more ready to treat nature and its resources responsibly. A «don’t care what happens after I’ve gone» mentality, in which little responsibility is perceived for those who come later, is totally foreign to such people. Those who know that they will be born again later so as to continue with their personal development at that place where they ended this life are much more prepared to go from step to step on the long path of personal development and to be pleased about every small success.

Globalization and the mass media

  The current idea of «globalization» would like to define the earth as one huge market which should be as uniform as possible. As the most important driving force behind this development, economics is constantly used to present this levelling process as a «natural» development or one which cannot be influenced. The mass media, which because of extensive privatization, has itself become part of the economy, has ever more refined means of influencing its customers and normally joins in strongly with this process.

On the other hand many people are less and less critical of the reporting of such events. Whatever appears on the TV screen, is presented in the newspapers or in books is perceived as «the truth» instead of as subjective reporting by the authors or presenters. More and more people take their objectives and values from the press instead of thinking for themselves. The blame for this cannot of course be simply passed on to the media, but rather within the meaning of self-determination or self-responsibility everyone bears the responsibility of whether he will accept external values or objectives and if so, which ones.

We have everything under control

  The advances in science and technology have brought about an incredibly strong belief in the rationality of all events amongst many people. What cannot be explained scientifically is frequently not accepted, not spoken about or explained away by other means. In reverse this mentality has led in the case of certain people to everything being viewed as «esoteric» and controlled by the stars. Both attitudes are completely absurd. In our lives there are events which can be explained rationally as well as those which cannot be explained.

Those who deny those occurrences or characteristics in their lives which cannot be rationally explained, automatically shut themselves off from all considerations about the meaning of life, about the reason for and the objectives of our existence and that of other beings.